THE PASSING ONE OF THE grandmotherS of efw
Dear EFW community. With sadness we pass along this letter written by Barbara Rector telling of the passing of Ann Alden who is one of the grandmothers of Equine Facilitated Wellness. Ann Alden played an important role in the work we do today. The letter was taken from the Equine Facilitated Mental Health Education (EFMHE) Group.

Ann Alden now across the rainbow bridge
Posted by: "Barbara K Rector"
Date: Thu Aug 1, 2019 5:43 pm ((PDT))
Dear EFMHE Community,
I grieve the loss of my treasured colleague and "Bestie" friend, mentor
and teacher, Ann Alden. She helped change the face of the way we engage and
interact with horses. Her clear language, "we work with - not do to" ; Ann
facilitated perception of horse as sentient being. Ann's large
compassionate heart allowed access to diverse people animals and programs
who heard and embraced her clear thinking and practical skill building
success. Ann bred and raised some of our southern Arizona's finest
effective and talented therapeutic activities horses. Talented athletes her
horses were full of Heart and Desire for human interactions. Saddi,
Crackers, Serra June, Abbah and Maude are infamous in the annals of
therapeutic activities and wellness work.
Many PATH conference attendees in Phoenix a decade or so ago met Crackers &
Serra June as they joined presenter Linda Kohanov as she introduced her
innovative round ring dancing.
For me, Ann was the friend who never said "No" to my ideas. Always ready to
brainstorm and encourage thinking through she centered and guided action
down a good trail.
I miss you Ann and delight in daughter Kelly's notion of your angel duties
continuing to open Awareness.
Huge Heart Hugs,
Barbara K Rector
Ann Alden now across the rainbow bridge
Posted by: "Barbara K Rector"
Date: Thu Aug 1, 2019 5:43 pm ((PDT))
Dear EFMHE Community,
I grieve the loss of my treasured colleague and "Bestie" friend, mentor
and teacher, Ann Alden. She helped change the face of the way we engage and
interact with horses. Her clear language, "we work with - not do to" ; Ann
facilitated perception of horse as sentient being. Ann's large
compassionate heart allowed access to diverse people animals and programs
who heard and embraced her clear thinking and practical skill building
success. Ann bred and raised some of our southern Arizona's finest
effective and talented therapeutic activities horses. Talented athletes her
horses were full of Heart and Desire for human interactions. Saddi,
Crackers, Serra June, Abbah and Maude are infamous in the annals of
therapeutic activities and wellness work.
Many PATH conference attendees in Phoenix a decade or so ago met Crackers &
Serra June as they joined presenter Linda Kohanov as she introduced her
innovative round ring dancing.
For me, Ann was the friend who never said "No" to my ideas. Always ready to
brainstorm and encourage thinking through she centered and guided action
down a good trail.
I miss you Ann and delight in daughter Kelly's notion of your angel duties
continuing to open Awareness.
Huge Heart Hugs,
Barbara K Rector
We are happy to welcome Carrie Watson as a new approved EFW Mentor. Carrie is dual certified Equine Facilitated Learning Professional & Equine Professional. You can learn more about her practice by visiting her website at WWW.WHISPERINGEQUINE.COM
Highlands Gate Wellness is hosting an Explorations in Equine Facilitated Wellness training in Ontario this fall. For more information click here.
On the Ngamo Plains of Zimbabwe, Africa, EFW-Canada member Oriane Lee Johnston introduces two safari guides to Equine Guided Learning. She was curious about how this approach with the horses, using body language and energy, compares with their own experience of tracking wild animals in the bush. Jamie and Clever, of Camelthorn Wilderness Safari Lodge, are more at home with elephants and lions than horses. Here is her video interview with the two young men.